The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.
The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.
The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.
The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.
The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.
The illustrated book «Mijjieh Låartesne – Landet går i arv» was published in the autumn of 2011, focusing on nature, cultural history, reindeer husbandry, and land use in the Luru reindeer grazing district, Nord-Trøndelag. The book is a collaboration between Aina Bye and Bengt Åke Jama.